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The Aligarh Muslim University is a premier Central University included as an institution of 'National Importance' in the VII Schedule of the Constitution of India with several faculties and maintained institutions drawing students from all over the country and from foreign countries including SAARC and Commonwealth Countries as well. Imbibing the objective tenor of the west and p[reserving the oriental tradition, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the great isionary, established the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College on May 24, 1875 with a resolve to initiate western education amongst Muslims and liberate the Muslim mind from out moded patterns of thought and behaviour. Sir Syed thus visualized its future:



The Centre for Distance Education is an integral part of the University and an expression of the University’s concern and commitment for spread of education in all strata of society and all parts of the country. An interesting observation is that the desire and demand for education exists in many sections but due to the fact that Colleges and Universities cannot accommodate beyond a particular limit, many cannot find admission. There is also a large section of society which is unable to participate in the normal stream of education due to occupational, financial or social constraints. All these persons can get an opportunity to derive the benefits of education through distance education.

By taking advantage of the advances in information and communication technologies to widen the reach of education and to enhance quality of education through the use of multi-media methods of teaching and learning, the Centre aims at giving the students an opportunity to learn and appear for the examination of the course which will be conducted by the University. Adopting flexible and innovative methods of education to ensure ‘independent learning’ to anyone, anytime and anywhere, the Centre offers programmes of the study that are customized to meet the learning requirements of knowledge seekers as well as to ensure that they learn at their own pace and convenience. Within the financial means of University, due care has been taken to keep the cost of education low so that educationally backward sections can take advantage of University’s programmes. Centre for Distance Education has a special commitment to the cause of Women’s education, particularly of the minority community, among those who are educationally and economically deprived section. Given an opportunity to study at home supported with study materials, women can benefit immensely from this programme.